Analysis of Nifty for 12/03/2024

On 11/03/2024 Nifty posted a red candle that engulfed the previous 5 candles, of which 4 were doji and one was green candle of almost the same size as today. This is a bearish reversal pattern. So Nifty may go down in the next few days. But as we see in the chart Nifty has taken support on the green line of the channel for the last 3 times. So this time also Nifty may get support on the green line. Let us observe that. Our #Share #Analysis #Software has given a short-term sell signal to Nifty with a stop loss and 5 targets. For details and such daily signals in all stock consider buying our software. Contact for online demo and details.

Nitin Shripad Joshi

